EDitor is an integrated web application developed by European DataWarehouse (ED) for the seamless analysis and upload of loan-level data (LLD). It allows issuers to pre-screen and analyse LLD files and upload them directly to European DataWarehouse.




EDitor is designed to meet the requirements of clients to run the existing ED validation rules in LLD files and upload them directly to European DataWarehouse

As a pre-screening tool of the LLD files based on predefined logical checks developed and applied by ED data quality management, EDitor contains a set of rules and clusters that allow a quick overview of the potential inconsistencies in the submitted LLD files. Results for each validation check are displayed in a “Pass/Fail” logic with only the number of loans which fail a particular data quality check being shown.  This is reflected in the Data Quality Score 1 (DQS1) Additional data quality issues found by our deal analysts are reflected in the Data Quality Score 2 (DQS2). Results are indications of potential data quality issues that need to be further investigated.

  • Data Quality Tracking System (DQTS) has been integrated into EDitor for a more direct communication and feedback with the clients through tickets
  • It displays both Data Quality Scores (DQS1 and DQS2) at-a-glance
  • Even if the upload takes place with one of our other channels such as API or SFTP, users can use EDitor to analyse the LLD file


  • Pre-screen and analyse LLD files
  • Directly upload LLD files to the ED database
  • Conduct rule analysis in all major asset classes
    • RMBS
    • SME
    • Auto ABS
    • Consumer Finance ABS
    • Leasing ABS
  • Centralised rule repository with automatic updates
  • Compare stratifications and rule results from previous submissions
  • View data completeness and quality scores
  • Upload multiple files simultaneously
  • Perform schema checks
  • Upload private deals

Why Use EDitor?

Multiple file formats

EDitor recognises loan-level Data files in CSV, Excel and XML formats.

Data Format Validation

All fields in the loan-level data files are checked for the format (taxonomy) as outlined in the ECB Loan Data templates.

ECB Score

The ECB Data Completeness score for the uploaded data file is computed instantly to assist issuers with the ECB Eligibility requirements.

Dual-Regime Compatibility

Our platform already complies with ECB reporting standards, and we’re taking additional steps to ensure we’ll be compatible with the 2019 templates from ESMA.


Customers can quickly compare stratifications on key data fields with the previous successful loan-level data submissions.

Data Quality Checks

Several data quality rules are run on the uploaded data file. These failed rules are reported with visual illustrations.


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